Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Take on This Election

I'm not a politically savvy person. I'm just an average, somewhat middle classed Canadian, wondering who to vote for.

Following the news that Stephen Harper's speech plagiarized Australia's Howard's speech in 2003, highlighted to me that Stephen Harper, while leader of the opposition, did not listen to Howard's speech two days earlier, or he would have noticed the duplication.

Do I want a Prime Minister who is uninformed about world affairs? NO.
Do I want a Prime Minister who cannot think for himself? NO.
Do I want a Prime Minister who will break his promises? NO.
Do I want a Prime Minister who has squandered the surplus right before a potential recession? NO.
Do I want a Prime Minister who public says that Ontario is not a good place to invest and do business (thereby worsening the manufacturing environment in that province)? NO.

Do a quick search on YouTube and you will find video clips of all his promises (remember Investment Trusts?) and see how much he promised and how many promises he broke last time. Remember set election dates? Well, wasn't that misleading - he was the first to break his own rule, probably because he wanted the election before the investigation into the spending irregularities in the last election, or the bribing of an MP for votes, etc.

Do I want this type of man to lead my country? NO.

Maybe I should blog my opinion of each of the candidates in this election. Stay tuned...

Creative Commons License
This work by Suzette Leeming is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.

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