Saturday, May 17, 2014


So day 5 of my Hawaiian vacation and I'm finally getting around to posting something - I think that means I'm having a good vacation!

Meeting Debbie was interesting as I'd only known her online. Turns out we have a lot in common and I'm enjoying my time with her very much. We've swam almost daily, toured the island by coach, watched the sunset and Friday evening fireworks, and there's more to come. Tonight, we're going to Paradise Cove for a Luau, which is a barbeque on the beach and a show. I'll be sure to post lots of photos on facebook.

Speaking of facebook, you can see all of the photos by clicking here - I hope that link comes through.

I love the warmth of Hawaii. The good news is the sunscreen is working, I haven't burned. The bad news is the sunscreen is working, I only have a bit of colour to my skin. I'd like to be a bit darker. I will focus on baking more at the beach!

I'm loving Hawaii so far, but my hair feels differently. All this humidity is making my hair one big frizz ball. Even straightening it isn't helping for long. I think I'll start leaving it natural and just french braid it or something. So if you look at my photos - no comments on the hair okay?

The feet are holding out so far - left foot is giving me some problems but I'm toughing it out.

So... how's the no smoking going you ask? Absolutely fine. I have about one piece of gum a day. I see people smoking and for a moment wish I could have one, but the feeling goes away. I think I was just ready to quit. Not even going through any big withdrawals either - sleeping is fine, no shakes or anything. It might have helped that I cut down quite a bit before I quit. Either way, I'm proud of myself.

We'll talk again soon - the sunshine is calling me - Aloha!

Creative Commons License
This work by Suzette Leeming is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.

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