Thursday, June 11, 2015

Impatient, Intolerant, and Opinionated

I've decided that's what I am. But underneath all that is a person with strong beliefs and loyalties. I just get tired of the bullshit sometimes. Warning!! Rant ahead!!

Lately the bullshit is the stuff that happens in my small town. It's messed up for sure but I don't think it's just this town, I think it's society in general. A lot of it is Facebook too I think. I belong to a couple of groups in my town. I think what I need to realize though, is that the people who have the time to post are the ones with nothing else to do in life. It doesn't necessarily represent the entire town.

Here's what bugs me lately:

One young lady (23) has 2 children and no high school diploma. I guess she was too busy screwing around to go to school. She's looking for a place to rent, and she's complaining people charge too much to rent out houses. I tried to explain to her that there are costs a home owner (landlord) needs to cover. Things like the mortgage payment, property taxes, insurance, etc. Plus if she wants a place that's inclusive, there's utilities that have to be paid as well. Then there has to be a contingency for repairs, etc. All that is BEFORE any profit to the landlord (home owner). The problem is this person is on Ontario Works (welfare), so she's having a hard time finding a place within her means. She feels landlords should prefer renting to her because she has a "guaranteed" income. Huh? Since when is welfare "guaranteed"? She says she can only get minimum wage jobs so it's not worth working because she would have to pay daycare. No family in the area to help her either. Oh, and she has a deadbeat boyfriend (unemployed) that she's living with, and supporting I guess. With our tax dollars.

I suggested she try and get her high school equivalency. Response? No point since she can't afford a college education. Huh? A friend of mine tried to hire her as a part time receptionist and had to let her go because she can't even spell.

If she manages to get a good job, she'll get her driver's license and car, because that will make it easier for her. I guess she's not thinking about gas, insurance, repairs, etc. Huh?

Now, I know she went to high school here, so if she has no family nearby, did they move away from her? That's a strange thing for parents to do, isn't it?

Why does all this bother me?

Because I was a single parent once upon a time. I was once homeless too. So, I don't buy excuses.

I can understand one mistake (one child), but two? When you can't support them? When I had my daughter I had a decent job. Things were tough, but I could afford to support her. I worked hard, took at least one college course at a time and remained employable. Of course things are easier now - you can do a lot of courses online.

There's more.

Another single mother on Ontario Works. Again without a high school diploma. Tattoos and piercings all over her face. And guess what? She's pregnant. But this time, she wants to pay a Douala to help her through her pregnancy and labour. Obviously our welfare system is way too generous if she can afford that. Even when I was working I couldn't afford that when I was expecting my daughter. Or maybe I could but I wasn't stupid enough to spend money on stuff like that when I was going to have to support a child.

I like helping people out. I volunteer at a few places in town. I believe in having a social safety net - that's part of being Canadian I guess. But for the love of God, would someone please show me where in our Canadian Bill of Freedoms and Rights it says that single mothers are entitled to 18 years of support? Get a grip, please!!

How about we provide subsidized daycare while they go to school and make school mandatory? How about we subsidize daycare while they work at whatever job they can find, and top up their income if it's that much below the poverty line? How about we have a contract when they go on welfare, stating the amount of support they will get and an action plan to become self-sufficient? And not give them more money if they decide to have another child. We need to be careful not to create a welfare state here.

Let's all remember it's charity, and my tax dollars go to fund it. I am glad to be able to help when needed but there has to be some restrictions or conditions. Privacy and entitlement be damned.
I'm getting tired of the bullshit. There's already too much bullshit in my life.

Rant over. Thanks for listening.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work by Suzette Leeming is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.

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