Friday, July 24, 2015

Reality Check

Sometimes I need a reality check. Today might be one of those times.

We all go through periods of time when we feel sorry for ourselves. Maybe we haven't achieved as much as we would have liked. Maybe we don't get the respect we feel we deserve. Maybe we have too much stress, and no time to relax.


This is when I need to take stock of my life. Of what it is and what it could have been. It could have been better. But it could  have been worse. Much worse. I need to count my blessings.

It's very hot outside today. But rather than having to work outside in the heat, or in an overheated factory, I get to sit in my cool office with my blinds drawn and my fan gently blowing on me. And while I sit here in this comfortable environment, I have to admit I'm making a lot more money than either of the other scenarios.

I don't have a set quota I must achieve every day. My quota is a bigger picture - a set amount achieved within a reasonable amount of time. If I'm having an off day, I can work a bit faster tomorrow (or since today is Friday, I'll work faster on Monday). I never have to work weekends. Or evenings/nights. I don't have to deal with the public.Actually my manager is on vacation this week, so I don't have to deal with anyone.

I'm spoiled.

I took a two hour lunch (I don't often do that, but when I do, it's okay) and sat on a patio and soaked up the sun. Watching the ice melt in my glass of water and learning to appreciate warm red wine.

Many people have it better than I do (more money? three hour lunches?) but so many people have it worse. I shouldn't compare. I should appreciate what I have and be satisfied with that.

A friend once told me I should ask myself "will any of this matter in six months?" I'll go one better - "If I die tomorrow, will any of this matter?" I'll just enjoy the moment. Appreciate the moment. Value the moment.

And stop drinking warm red wine - it makes me too mellow and ruins the afternoon.

It's all good!

Creative Commons LicenseThis work by Suzette Seveny is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.

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