Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm Back!!

I know I haven't posted anything in a really long time, but I have a good excuse, really I do! Over the past year, while I was an Area Governor with Toastmasters, I kept a blog for my area. Also, I was filling a lot of roles in my home club - VP Education (the most time consuming) and Immediate Past President. Plus I was filling in as VP Public Relations, since we didn't have anyone for that role.

But that's behind me now. I don't expect to be as busy as Division Governor - no blog, no clubs to visit on a "regular" basis. I really should get back to this blog, if only to keep my creative writing skills up, if this can be called creative!

Have you ever sat back and reflected on your life? Wished you had a chance to do something over? That's where my head's been at lately. No regrets though - every journey in life has brought me to this moment - all the good, all the bad, all of it. But, what if we did just one thing different? How would that affect where we are today? What if I'd never joined Toastmasters or never moved to Keswick, or married someone different? What if I'd changed just one thing. Would I still be who I am today? Who knows, but it's interesting to think about.

I don't have anything special to rant about today - nobody's pissed me off... yet. It's been a funny kind of day - the heat has driven up my blood pressure and I've felt "out of it" for most of the day. Good thing what I'm currently working on is drudgery, not requiring creativity or much thought. Whoever heard of a release announcement that's over 600 pages, anyway? Well, I don't make the decisions, I just do as I'm told by the person who signs the cheques.

I was looking forward to my favorite show - Big Bang Theory, which is on every Monday night. Just my luck though, it's a rerun tonight. Good excuse to write in my blog and to go to bed early.
Creative Commons License
This work by Suzette Leeming is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.

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