Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sometimes I just need to vent

Through the various roles I've taken on in Toastmasters, I've learnt the importance of having a positive attitude. I struggle with that sometimes though because, let's face it... sometime we just need to vent.

I am learning that I don't need to verbalize every thought that runs through my head, but sometimes I feel if I don't vent, I'll just explode one day. I've thought a lot about my need to vent, and believe me, I don't vent to everyone. I try to vent to at least person who I know will understand and validate my frustration.

We have all met some people who irritate us from the time we first meet them. Maybe they act really smug, and project that somehow they're "better" than we are, when in reality, we know they're not. That's our opportunity to learn how to "bite our tongue". Let it go... walk away. But sometimes, I can't do that. Sometimes I want to know that it isn't just me... that someone else finds them irritating as well. Then I can go "Whew! It's not just me!"

I'm never going to be the type of person who is always happy, chipper, positive, sees the good in everyone. I swear those people are on drugs - and I find them irritating as well. Yes, try to stay positive, smile a lot, and learn to walk away when one such irritating person decides to join your conversation. Because it isn't worth wasting anymore than two seconds with some people. You may have to deal with them occasionally, but you can attempt to keep it to a minimum and admit, at least to yourself, that you would NEVER be friends with them. NEVER. EVER. Life's too short to put up with some people. I'd rather pretend they don't even exist.

Usually when I vent to somebody, there's wine involved and we end up laughing it off. That's healthy, at least I think it is.

Stay positive by all means, stay pleasant and polite, but remember - stay real!

Creative Commons License
This work by Suzette Leeming is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.

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