Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hello Rogers!

I did it! I switched both my husband and myself to Rogers Wireless! We carried our numbers over and WOW am I impressed! Service everywhere... no dropped calls! I'm also impressed that they give their customers 3 months unlimited local calling, so you have time to figure out which plan works best for you.

We did our research, visited a few stores and plans and ultimately ended up ordering over the phone (because I wanted to port our numbers and you can't do that online) from Amritech. They really had good deals. Getting through to them was a tad difficult - I kept getting an automated response that all their representatives were busy and to leave my name and number for someone to call me back. Their mailbox was full though, so it would tell me to try again later... very, very frustrating. I did eventually get through though and when I mentioned my difficulties reaching them, they were really apologetic and gave me the phones for free (not that they were that much for a 3 year term). The phones also came with free car chargers, leather cases (one of which was broken, no big deal) and hands-free kit (only one for some reason, although we had two phones).

The phones took longer than expected to arrive and I had to call them and ask them NOT to switch over the numbers on the date arranged, because I didn't have the phones yet and I didn't want to be without a cell phone for the day. The phones arrived that night, and I called and gave the all clear to port the numbers over.

It took me ages to make the decision to switch, but I have no regrets. so far, this appears to be one of my best decisions.

Now to find another internet provider and get away from sympatico...

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