Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Want Followers!!

I know my blog is emailed to a few friends after I post, but I would really love it if some of you could sign up as Followers on my blog. I have no followers. I'm feeling lonely!!!

Plus I'd love some comments, debate, or even venting! Let me know I'm not alone out here in blog land.

... Please???

Creative Commons License
This work by Suzette Leeming is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.


Anonymous said...

You sure? You seem to get upset at anything but positive comments of agreement.

Suzette said...

Dear Anonymous,

You must be someone who knows me personally, as I've read through all my posts (and the few comments) and I don't see any evidence of that.

I admit... I have strong opinions, but I know I often come across as having my mind made up, but I actually usually have an open mind, and when presented with more information, I carefully consider and often change my point of view.

Usually opinions and points of view are based on the information at hand. When there's additional information that hasn't been considered, that has the potential to change everything.

If you know me, you need to be careful that you haven't formed a preconceived opinion of the type of person I am. I've been known to make this mistake in the past with people. I once thought my brother was a true blue conservative, but after a conversation with him about it, I've now come to realize that I was mistaken, as he pointed out to me that he was more liberal. That caused me to think very carefully about the preconceived opinions I have of people. Make sure you're not making the same mistake.

All of life is a learning experience. I like when people challenge my way of thinking - it affords me the opportunity to learn, and by learning, to grow as a person.